It's MOUSE Season
Deadly Bacteria
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Here we go again. It's Horse Fly season and with less people out and about, these blood sucking ladies are more aggressive than ever! Ladies you say? Yes; only the female horse flies need blood...
They’re beautiful to look at and lovely to smell. Some people even use the beautiful flowers to decorate the tops of their summer cakes. But if you’re visiting this page, no double you’ve...
How to Catch a Skunk Under Your House: The ONE Thing That Worked
Let’s get something out of the way. You do not want to “catch” a skunk under your house unless you need it tested for rabies or something like that. If that’s the case, leave it to experts...
Can You Get Ringworm From Cats? (House Cat, Kittens, Strays)
We're in the midst of a steamy, moist, heat wave and temps in the 90's are bound to have our skin itching. You're scratching, the kids are scratching, the cat is scratch....wait! What? The cat is...
What Kills Listeria On Surfaces: Kitchen Counters, Sinks, etc.,
Listeria Monocytogenes is a highly dangerous, microscopic bacteria pest that infiltrates our food supply and it also develops on food, over time, during refrigeration. One out of every five people...
Using Houseplants to Clean Indoor Air (Mold, Humidity, Odors, Chemicals)
Biologists call it "phytoremediation" Scientists may refer to it as "rhizofiltration" and gentrifiers can be overheard saying they spent the weekend phytotherapitizing their new apartment. ...